The Bride of Christ

By Keiani Johnson

Father in Heaven's Saving Grace: A Poem of Redemption

woman in white long-sleeved dress
woman in white long-sleeved dress

I remember the first time, I was seduced by you,

You made me feel loved like nobody else can do,

You gave me hope and strength I was stuck on you

I thought you would heal but later found out you kill

Even though I know you hurt, can I get a refill?

I remember how I felt the first time we met,

I thought you were a gift

heaven sent, you gave me a high

That I now regret

Who would ever think that these white little pills

Would drive me crazy and give me so much thrill

Just thinking about you gave me chills

You took the pain away

My life was a castaway, Now I'm sitting in a world of hurt,

I no longer want to stay

You played with my emotions up and down

How long will I stay on this merry go round

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel

Wait! What is that? He said the end of my struggle

He said come to me you who are weary,

I'll show you my love, let's get married

If you drink from me you will never thirst again

Come taste and see, don't be afraid

I'll show you my plan, just call my name

I'll renew your strength, I'll help you remain.

He said to me the sweetest words

How can I resist? After all I heard?

There's up's and downs, it's going to be a ride

I surrender it all and lay it to the side

I said, I'll risk it all just to be your Bride.

two hands holding each other isolated in white background illustration
two hands holding each other isolated in white background illustration

" ... And upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell shall not prevail." Mathew 16:18

Come Away with Me...